When a bee dunks into a cell to warm up the adjacent cells, she burns off a tremendous amount of energy.
We look at how the bees will deliberately leave cells without brood in them and that these cells are used by heater bees.
The cells are also used as Filling Stations. They're filled with nectar so that the heater bee, after exhausting all her resources to heat up the wax, can refuel herself.

See photo with the shine of nectar in the empty cells.
Next time you're inspecting the brood area, look to see if you can find a blank cell with nectar in it. If you see one, that's a Filling Station.
This info has been taken from a fabulous book called The Buzz About Bees, Biology of a Superorganism. It's expensive to buy but so worth it from what you can learn. I haven't found this info in any other book. The Buzz About Bees
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