Of course the only hives I was inspecting at this time of year were the ones that I knew were queenless.
I believe that my hives had requeened at least two to three times through the summer and the failure rate was high.
At first I thought the problem was in the yard on the conservation land but after noticing population declines in my other yard and doing inspections I found the problem was persistent in both yards.
I purchased three queens and installed the cages last week. I dug out a bit of the candy so they could release a little quicker.
A week later I returned. Both queens were still not releasted (the candy was a bit hard) so I released the queens. I closed up and left.
On examination of frames I could see they had wax moth catepillars and cocoons. I scraped them out. This hive was weak due to population decrease. Also, they had been robbed out of their honey. I believe they were anxious because they don't have food stores. They did have pollen though. I will be feeding them sugar syrup tomorrow.
Advice: Keep in mind that if a hive is queenless it might be a good idea to put in entrance reducers so that a declining hive population can better protect itself while waiting to resolve their queen issues.
The problem in July is that queen breeders have wait lists and even if you know you need a queen you can't get one!!! The demand is too high. If you want to purchase queens get your name on the list early in the game.
By August queen are available as most consider it too late in the year to do anything.
I seriously think I need to develop queen rearing skills for next year.
Dear Barbara, thank you for your amazing blog! Without your detailed help, I wouldn't have succeeded with my bee hives. I've only 3 of them, but it's so difficult to start without proper knowledge of the thing. My grandpa helped me a little, but now he has health issues and can't do this anymore... So I've been left alone. Thanks.
Gloria Hart
Gloria, thanks for your comments. I'm glad to hear you found some useful info on the blog. If you get stuck don't hesitate to post comments and I'll try to help. Barb
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