Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Two Messages from the OBA: Ontario and Quebec ally against neonicotinoid pesticides

Below are two messages from the Ontario Bee Association (OBA):

Ontario Govt. creating cross-industry working group

The OBA has been in discussion over the past few weeks with the Ontario Government about their plan to establish a cross-industry working group to address the issues of bee mortalities. OBA President, Dan Davidson has been invited onto the committee and has been quoted in the government's press release which reads as follows:

  " Ontario is bringing together a group of experts to provide advice on how to prevent bee mortalities. The Bee Health Working Group will be comprised of beekeepers, farmers, agribusiness representatives, scientists, and staff from both federal and provincial government agencies. Drawing on a broad range of expertise, the working group will provide recommendations on how to mitigate the potential risk to honey bees from exposure to neonicotinoid -- a pesticide used for corn and soybeans."

Ontario and Quebec ally against neonicotinoid pesticides

The OBA and the Federation des apiculteurs du Quebec have written to their respective Ministers of Agriculture and Environment to immediately ban neonicotinoid pesticides in field crops, and issued a joint press release. "It is time to stop poisoning our bees, our water and our soil", said Leo Buteau, President of the Federation. OMAF has confirmed that Premier Wynne will raise this issue at the Ministers of Agriculture meeting in Halifax on July 17th. We thank her for her leadership.

New Bees Act regulations regarding pests and diseases As you may have seen in our news feed, the Ontario Government has updated the Bees Act to include new pests and diseases.

These additions more accurately reflect the current beekeeping reality, and will increase the protection offered to beekeepers in Ontario.

Thanks to PA Paul Kozak and the OBA board members and other beekeepers who worked diligently on this.


İlhami Uyar said...

very important this event,all peoples must be obbey this rules,have a nice day

Loren said...

who eats those massive quantities of corn and soy? Pigs. Stop eating pigs. Save the bees.