There were a few bees outside the hive, stiff and unmoving from the cold. I'd just warmed up a batch, taking photos and video (which are included here but those are the only photos I took).
Then I went to Hive #2 where there were many bees standing in a frozen stupor on the cement bricks that support the platform.
I'd finished the work on the hives so I picked them up. These encounters provide an interesting time for me to observe bees close up. There were about ten of them, along with a drone. I held them cupped in my palms.
One worker stood out in memory because I could see her problem. I found her on the ground. In fact, I'd nearly stepped on her. She had a clump of pollen pattie stuck to her wing. The weight would be a problem and it would prevent her wings from locking together properly so she could fly. It would surely cause her death.
I cupped the bees in my hand, leaving a small portal open between my thumbs. Several were moving slightly when I picked them up. They warmed up very quickly and popped out of the portal between my thumbs like bees leaving a hive, one after the other after the other.
The rest were colder and needed more time to warm up. I could feel them crawling around in my cupped hands.

I picked her up and took her to the truck. I had a tiny metal tool I could use the scrape the wing. Gently I rubbed the wing while she sat on my hand. She let me lift her wings so I had better access, but no luck. I could see the pattie was stuck underneath her secondary wing. It was stuck to her like peanut butter.
I put her in a queen cage and took her home. She needed her wing cleaned off and I had an idea.
At home she was hungry. I gave her honey and while she licked at it I used dampened Q-tips to lift and rub her wing. She sat on my hand and I knew she might sting me, but I decided to chance it.

She landed on the window and I lowered my honey covered finger. She latched on, no problem, her long tongue coming out.

She circled me about five times, making orientation loops and then she was gone--headed in an eastern direction--for home.
The bee yard is about 4 km from my home so she I knew she'd make it.
I don't think I'll ever stop loving learning from the bees. I wonder what they'll teach me next?
This blog post is really lovely! I enjoyed reading how you took care of the bees, cleaning ones wings to help her fly again. Very sweet! All beekeepers should be this way.
I'm not quite brave enough yet to hold a bee in my bare hand but my kids will often feed them honey when they get caught over night on our window screen. Once they eat the honey they are able to fly home.
Michelle, you're so right... a little honey snack and they've got the energey to fly. They're not too much different than us.
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