Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Beauty Treatment: Rich Milk & Honey Body Mask

Rich Milk & Honey Body Mask


½ cup Warmed unpasteurized Ontario Honey
¼ cup Cream or Half and Half
1 raw egg
4 Vitamin E Caplets
20 drops Vanilla Extract (Optional)
20 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil (Optional

The honey, cream and eggs in this recipe are rich in vitamins, protein and minerals. The Vanilla and Sweet Orange provide an exquisite rich aroma to this body mask


Warm the honey by placing it in a heat proof glass in a pot of boiled water or heat for a few seconds in the microwave. Add the other ingredients and mix well. Snip the vitamin E caplets and squeeze out the oil. Mix well. Apply to your whole body with a paint brush. Use a sheet (which can be washed later) to cover yourself and relax 30 minutes while the body mask dries. Shower to remove the mask and pat dry with a towel.

(Confession: This one is so good, I drank half of it before I used it. Mmmm delicious!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would totally eat this.