I had yet to determine that very important factor. Where would my bees live and have their bee-ing?
I would love to have them on my property but our bylaws must have a certain footage away from adjoining properties and my place isn't big enough.
I was hoping for a place fairly close to home so I could visit often, not only so I could manage my hives but also because I wanted to observe the bees as part of my research for my book. This created a little bit of a dilemma. If I had the hives at a friend's country place, then I'd be there most weekends, just hanging around with a camera or my water colours or sitting on a lawn chair making notes. I knew that I'd wear out my welcome really quickly and I didn't want that to happen.

I'd read in newsgroups and books enough about hives to conclude that hives would probably be safer in a neighbourhood than in the country but I couldn't think of a place in the city that would work.

Years ago my grandfather would come to his swamp for cedars. The cedars would be cut to make fence posts on the farm.
Now with modern farming fence posts of cedar aren't used any more.
That swamp land was still in the family and just sitting there. I called my cousin and he readily agreed to let me keep bees there.

So we planned a drive out there on Saturday to have a look. I was told it wasn't so swampy the last few years so we could walk on it with boots on.
I was concerned about water levels once the hives were set up so I made plans in my mind for some kind of platform (maybe made out of skids) to raise the hives up off the ground.

We walked quite a ways in looking for high ground.
It has been a very wet spring with lots of flooding. The swamp was very wet and full of water.
My cousin said that normally it was dry enough to walk on. I was glad in a way to see it at it's worst. That way I'd know how high the water could come up.

(Photo - Mom, Dad and my cousin Ross - this is the spot we chose for the hives).
So after our trip I went home and then asked my sister to take me to the hospital.
You see, the day before (Fri) I'd fallen down the stairs at work. I landed really hard on my knees and palms, nearly doing a face plant. But my right arm took the toll to save my face. I broke it--at least by midday on the second day it was still pretty painful and I had to consider that it might be more than a sprain. A couple hours later and some x-rays and it was confirmed to be a broken radio head (w broken elbow). So I type this with my left hand. I'm right handed so this is bothersome. I am somewhat left handed too and I expect I will become a lot more so over the next while.

That photo is me wearing my bee shirt. The strap is my sling - no cast yet. I've opted not to show my scowling face.
I can't (won't) begin to express my frustration over this major inconvenience except to say I regret losing my arm to save my face~!
(that's not really true because I could have broken all my teeth but a frustration nonetheless because I've got big plans underway!)
1 comment:
I sounds like you have found a great place for your bees! I hope you heal quickly from the break! :(
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