My 'marketing manager' (Dad) has been very busy socializing and selling our honey. It's nice to have some cash to put toward those beekeeping supply bills.
Our hives are at City Orchards in London, Ontario. The honey is sold there by Les who is an apple farmer and of course Dad is selling it to his friends or any stranger that crosses his path.
The location has been a real blessing. The bees appreciated having over 700 apple trees to forage from in spring. I just hope that next year is as good a year for bees as this year was.

But, I've got many photos so now that the season is winding down I'll be posting our experiences with the bees so stay tuned... maybe you now have time to read the posts! (I'm behind on reading the blogs I follow but that's what winter's for right? To catch up).
Tomorrow I'll be putting winter wraps on the hives. Wraps--I guess that's the word now as the beekeeping season winds down and the bees start to cluster in their hives.
How did your summer of beekeeping go? Did you harvest lots of honey? I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to leave your comments. I enjoy hearing from other beekeepers and enthusiasts.